Industrial training is essential for developing quality engineers and technical masters. It is not important to only graduate as an engineer, you also need to have some on-the-job experience and solid technical knowledge in order to progress as a professional and contribute towards the progress and growth of the nation. If you want to stay abreast with the development of the country and the industry you must join a training program during your graduation or at the last semester.
A number of training companies in Chandigarh and other parts of India provide training programs for technical graduates. The training period may be of six weeks or six months depending upon the type of training. The students must aim at joining companies that are capable of providing the best possible industrial training, keeping the quality of training in mind. TCIL-IT Chandigarh is one such company, delivering quality training to candidates for a long time.
Our modules are designed on basis of the requirements of the industry. One major benefit of training at TCIL-IT Chandigarh is that you get to work directly under the guidance of experts from the industry, who never hesitate in sharing their knowledge and experience to make the candidate industry-ready. We not only focus on syllabus but also on acquiring skills by working on live projects. This enables you to better understand how a concept can be put to use in real world applications.
So, if you want a strong foundation based on knowledge and skill, you must contact us and interact directly with our professionals.